Thursday 3 September 2009

Helping out our friends

buy your tickets now for the Fashion Rocks show in London from Its going to be a wonderful evening, we just can not wait!

Urban Spark featured on Hippyhippy Chic blog!

Kat at Hippy Hippy Chic Blog kindly featured us on her lovely blog! Go have a peek at it to see some preview pictures of our press pack contents as well as checking out which 'jules' pieces she loves!

Thanks Kat! X

Our first chit chat live on Express FM

nikki strange, nikki bruce, urban spark, express fm, portsmouth, southsea, radio, talk,

Myself and Nikki Bruce whipped off to Express Fm studios in Portsmouth for a cheeky interview with Darren Gamblem. Things from the get go didnt run so smooth. Ended up in the wrong building in the wrong part of town. Ditsy designers we are. Radio talkers we are not. We discussed all things Urban Spark, from influences, and the design process to where we'd be in 5 years time. All in all it was a bit of a giggle (though judging from the above pictures of our expressions, you'd think me and Nikki were looking for the nearest exits!) Might have to learn how to speak though before we try that again...

A thank you goes go out to the Express Fm team that we met, especially to Lara who has been a gem to us at Urban Spark! Big love

Nikki S